GT KiDS Ministry & Nursery
We are Training & Equipping Kids For Jesus!
Our Word Of Grace Children's ministry is called Grace Town Kids, GT for short, & we meet every Sunday morning during all of our main services. Your kids will experience a high energy, Jesus centered atmosphere, with engaging worship and an illustrated message by our GT Kids ministry team in age appropriate classrooms. Your child will experience the love of Jesus each time they attend.

Classes have been set up to best meet the needs of each individual child. We have classrooms set up for Two Year Olds, Three Year olds, Four & Five Year Olds and a separate classroom for 6 Years - 6th grade students. Our Nursery is available for infants six weeks to two years of age.

Feel secured checking in your child on Sundays and Weds.
We use a safe & secure check in system called KidCheck. Upon arrival you will be able to sign in your child in our church foyer. Your child will be given a name tag with a security code & you will be handed a corresponding receipt that matches your child's tag. We ask that the parent or guardian who picks up the child after service, present this receipt to one of the Kids Church Team members.
Save time by preregistering your child Today! Click the button below!
*** Parental/Guardian consent is required for each minor to participate in Word of Grace sponsored activities. Thank you for filling out and signing the digital waiver below.