"Night of Laughter" Food & Fun featuring Comedian Jonnie W. For Tickets Click Here


A Deeper Look Into Who We Are

You have a place here.


Word of Grace like many church plants came from small beginnings on Military Hwy in 1996. Bro.Calvin Cobb was the founder and the father of our pastor, Russell Cobb. Bro. Calvin went on to his reward September 29, 1999. Pastor Russell and his wife Cindy were then set in October 28th of that same year after spending 18 years on the mission field. Approximately 12 faithful people were all that remained at that time and now look at what God has done. We have seen steady growth ever since and the best is yet to come. 


To reach our community and the world with the gospel so lives will be transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. It is our responsibility to connect, inspire, and train people for this purpose.


Word of GRACE is a church where JESUS is working through people commissioned by Him to heal the hurting, serve those in need, & build up the broken.

Our purpose as a church is John 3:16. It was God’s vision and still is – People and the World; declaring His glory. His kingdom come, His will be done on earth and Central Louisiana as it is in Heaven. As a church, we must agree on this vision.  

In our area, how many people do you know are hurting, struggling to understand purpose in life, fulfillment in meaning, overcoming an addiction, recovering from emptiness?

The church is called to heal! It won’t be the government. It is going to be a special anointing balm to heal the needs of this generation. Word of Grace is committed to create an atmosphere where that healing can occur. In Jesus’ ministry, His healing went forth for those who sought it.

Jeremiah 23:4 was given to us by God. “I will set up shepherds over them who shall feed them.” It is never a light word. I‍‍‍t is a word of vision. It is a word never void of power.

“And the people shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, broken down, confused, beat down, discouraged, scared, or terrified; neither shall they be lacking, empty, or hurt,” says the Lord.

We can change the world through the good news of Jesus Christ. We want to invest the Holy, all powerful Word of God into our families, neighbors, & communities!